35 Days Ago:
Didn't know what a 'curve' was, and of course, NEVER thought about bending or flattening one.
If Megan wanted me to grocery shop, I would not look forward to it.
I would put gas in my car about once a week.
If I wanted to get out of the house, I'd go to the pool hall.
There would be days where I didn't run the dishwasher.
I would get my haircut every five weeks.
I would read a book on my lunch break at work.
15-minute breaks would be spent playing pool in the game room, or walking around campus.
I would've had O'Reilly Auto Parts install my new car battery, and would've returned Ozzie's new bike with a broken brake.
I hadn't heard of Zoom.
There's talk of 'the curve,' and bending/flattening it daily on the news.
(I am in the vulnerable population with a suppressed immune system.) I would spend hours at the grocery store (or any place outside of my house) with a smile under my face mask.
I'm on pace to use about one gallon of gas per month.
To get out of the house, I can only drive around.
More days than not I run the dishwasher twice.
I'm interested in how long/ridiculous my hair is going to get.
I make Ozzie and me lunch, eat, clean up, and it's back to work (I've started about five books, but cannot concentrate on them).
15-minute breaks are spent micro-managing Ozzie's school work, and providing tech support for his distance learning.
I installed my own car battery, and fixed the bike brake with my own bare hands.
I use Zoom almost every day while working (in my basement).
Wow man.