Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Caribbean Cruise - Day 1 - Welcome Aboard

We boarded the ship without incident. We were given our room keys, which doubled as our charge card for everything on the ship. We were on deck 6 (of 15) in room 6306.

The first thing we noticed was that our room with a balcony was bigger than we both expected. We'd read reviews of broom closet sized rooms, but we were pleased with the size. We were in a hurry to start having fun, and immediately went out to explore the ship. We ordered our drink packages. On the ship they have water and juice in dispensers for everyone, but if you want anything else, it costs money. Even soft drinks. 

I ordered the soda package for $5.95/day, and Megan got the alcohol package, which also includes soft drinks, and non-alcoholic cocktails, for $49.95/day. Alcoholic drinks were $7-$12 each, so it actually makes sense to get the package. We went to get our first drinks and noticed the speed of the bartenders. Slow, and stop. Tips are included in the package price, so the bartenders don't need to rush, or make two drinks at once; so they don't. 

We went back to our room to look at our "Cruise Compass." The Compass is a flier that we got every night for the next day that had the schedule of events. There were all kinds of things to do; trivia, karaoke, bingo, shopping events, casino game events, and more. We didn't know what we were doing, and decided to go to a classic rock trivia game show in one of the many bars on board. My suit case arrived before we left for the game, so I hastily unpacked. Megan found the life preservers. 

There was a pretty good turn out for the trivia game. These games are designed to get people to mingle. We had started chatting with a couple from Detroit before the game started. It was their first cruise experience too. Angela and Rod, although Megan says his name was Ron. We never clarified, but I'm sure it was Rod. They announced that we could form teams of up to six, and Rod (Ron) suggested that we make a team. 

The game had the host play a few seconds of a classic rock tune, and we'd have to write down the artist and title of the song. Angela and Megan both wrote answers down, while I spot checked for accuracy. Half way through the host said that the prize for winning was going to be a Royal Caribbean keychain. Megan and I wanted to split after hearing that, but we stayed for Angela and Rod's (Ron's) sake. We got one wrong after Angela wrote the title of the song as SOS for the song Message In A Bottle by The Police. We didn't win a key chain, but already made some friends. 

We had dinner at the buffet. The buffet was enormous. Usually when I get to a buffet, I survey everything first, and then go back with a plate and a game plan. This was so big, with so many options, I finally just grabbed a plate and filled 'er up. It was the only dinner we had at the buffet all week. The food was either bland, or tasted bad, or both. Even the desserts were piss-poor. 

Back to the room, and Megan's suit case arrived. She unpacked her stuff and we were both exhausted. I had had 1:15 of sleep in the last 36 hours. Megan had about three. We laid down in the king size bed, and were both drowsy. She fell asleep with the lights on, but I pushed myself to go to the "Welcome Aboard Show" in the theater at 22:00. I sat in the front row, and enjoyed the orchestra that started. Then the cruise entertainment director Elise came out and welcomed us. She brought out a stand up comic, Ross Bennett. Bennett was squeaky clean, and pretty funny. The show ended at 10:30. I made it to my room by 10:50 and was running on fumes. I was probably asleep before my head hit the pillow. 

Next up: Day 2 - Cruising

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