Saturday, March 29, 2014

Taco Bell breakfast

I love Mexican breakfast. From Pepito's weekend brunch, to The Uptown Cafe's Tex-Mex breakfast, I can eat them until I'm sick. Calling Taco Bell Mexican is like calling a Croissan'wich French, but Taco Bell started serving breakfast this week, and Megan and I looked forward to this morning when we're both off work and could try it. 

I thought there might be a monkey wrench in the plan when she was called into work last night at midnight. I went to bed shortly after she left for work. I felt so bad for her when I woke up at 6:00 and she was still at work. I had a full night's sleep while she worked all night, and I didn't know how long she'd have to stay today. 

She was out of work at about 6:30. She came home and slept while I tended to Ozzie and our weekend morning routine, which now includes me following him crawling all over the house. It's fun to watch where he decides to go, and what he decides to play with. Rest assured that if there's a scrap of paper under the hutch, or a piece of sand in the wall/floor crevice, he finds it immediately and it goes toward his mouth. I usually catch it in time. Usually. 

After he ate breakfast and tired himself out, he went down for a nap, and mom woke up for breakfast. Taco Bell breakfast. I stayed home with baby while she drove through and brought it home for us to try. We put the dog outside and sampled Taco Bell's breakfast. 

A.M. Grilled Taco

The A.M. Grilled Taco was the weakest of the bunch. It's just eggs and cheese (there may have been sausage somewhere in there) in a "grilled," but soggy, tortilla. You could easily make this at home, and it would be better because it wouldn't be sog-meister. 

Breakfast Burrito (Not our image)

You can choose bacon or sausage with anything. We got everything with sausage because we imagine their bacon to be fatty and rubbery. The breakfast burrito was good, but nothing to write home about. It does the job, and tastes good. Nothing special, but if you think you want one more item, go with this. 

Waffle Taco

If you've heard about Taco Bell's breakfast, you've heard about the Waffle Taco. It is a funny mixture of a waffle, sausage, eggs, and cheese. It is smaller than we both imagined. I'm not a fan of sausage in syrup (what Megan calls "the test of a true man"), and this comes with syrup to dip it into. You know what? It works with this. Like the breakfast burrito, it's not going to get me back there, but I can see having one again sometime to change it up. I don't know how they list it at only 370 calories. I have a feeling that you could rub it on the wall and see through the wall (like the fast food fish sandwich on The Simpson's). 

A.M. Crunchwrap
This, my friends, is a thing of beauty. This is the reason to get breakfast at Taco Bell. This has eggs, cheese, sausage, a hash brown, and this delicious southwest sauce. The hash brown is what gives it its very light crunch. I put Taco Bell hot sauce (packets) on it too, which I recommend. The A.M. Crunchwrap. Without this, Taco Bell's breakfast would end up in pop culture history with Clear Pepsi; but this item will make Taco Bell a player in the fast food breakfast wars. I'm embarrassed to tell you the nutrition content, but I'm sure it's why it tastes so good.

My fast food breakfast stand-bys are McDonalds sausage biscuits with cheese, and Burger King's sausage Croissan'wich. Now I'll have to add the A.M. Crunchwrap to my arsenal of choices when cereal and a banana aren't going to cut it. 
Now I'm going into a food coma until Ozzie wakes up. 

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