I've seen the film Purple Rain dozens of times. It's up there with Shawshank Redemption for me, where if it's on TV I turn it on and watch it until the end. Purple Rain is cheesy, and corny, and doesn't follow a typical story arc, and I love it. It reminds me of childhood, and I love seeing old Minneapolis throughout the film. My favorite color is purple, not only because I'm a Vikings fan, but I loved Prince and Purple Rain first.
I saw a screening of the film at Pepitos a few years ago where The Revolution's drummer Bobby Z and the assistant director said a few words before the screening. The AD talked about how they started filming just a music video, but talk of a story mushroomed on the tour bus, and they started to piece a movie together. He said the first cut of the film was four hours long. That explains why the 111 minute final cut is a little disjointed here and there.
Being a parent now, I don't know how I got away with seeing the R-rated film when I was 7-years-old, but I'm glad I did. It was a little uncomfortable watching the adult themed scenes with my parents, but we had an unwritten "don't-ask-don't-tell" policy. If you don't talk about it, it doesn't exist. It must've been for my 7th birthday that I got one of my favorite birthday presents ever. Purple Rain on vinyl. It was the first album that I listened to all the way through, both sides. I love the album to this day, and on its 30-year anniversary I'll give it a listen and give you my thoughts on each track.
1. Let's Go Crazy
I still get excited when I hear the first organ note at the start. "Dearly beloved…"
The songs are almost in the order they are in the film. We're introduced to Prince, or The Kid, and his band on stage at 1st Avenue. It's a party, and everyone dances in the club. The movie version is a little different than the album cut. I never get sick of this song.
2. Take Me With U
Prince and Apollonia duet on this one. It plays as The Kid takes her to the Mississippi to "purify herself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka" on his motorcycle. This was the first time I saw breasts. I remember thinking that Prince and Apollonia were married in real life since they sing this song together. At the screening the AD said it was about 34 degrees when they filmed the scene where she jumps in the water.
3. The Beautiful Ones
I used to go back and forth on if I liked this song when I was seven. Today I know that I love it. In the film Morris Day takes Apollonia to the club to show The Kid that he's got her for the night. Things get a little uncomfortable when The Kid breaks the fourth wall and questions what he thought was a loving relationship with her. "Do you want him, or do you want me?"
I remember thinking how talented The Kid was to break into song like that to Apollonia right on the spot.
4. Computer Blue
This starts with Wendy and Lisa talking to each other. "Wendy?" "Yes Lisa.."
As a kid I thought that Wendy and Lisa were so lucky to be in The Revolution. Every member was lucky, but W&L had a few lines in the film, and they give The Kid the music that he turns into the song Purple Rain. This song has a fun musical break in the middle that I used to (and still) air guitar the shit out of.
5. Darling Nikki
I knew this song was supposed to be about Apollonia, but why is it darling Nikki? Because Prince is cool, okay? She was a sex-feind, and she's masturbating with a magazine. I wonder what my seven-year-old mind thought that meant. I lived in North Minneapolis at the time and went to public school. I probably knew exactly what they meant when I was seven.
Flip the record to the B-side where it actually gets stronger.
6. When Doves Cry
The Kid's parents fight throughout the movie. His dad is abusive to his mother, and he witnesses it. Later The Kid has some violent tendencies toward Apollonia. "Maybe I'm just like my father." Whoa. I totally get it, Prince.
7. I Would Die 4 U
After a knock-'em-down-drag-'em-out that The Kid's father has with mom and him, dad tells mom "I would die for you." The Kid writes this number about it. It's in the finale of the film when The Kid saves his spot in the club as a performer. The promoter tells him that he has four acts, but only room for three, and his ass is on the line at this performance. The Kid comes through!
8. Baby I'm A Star
I Would Die 4 U goes right into Baby I'm a Star. This song never fails to gives me chills. I remember thinking that I couldn't wait to have a reason to play this song as a celebration for something. As an adult, whenever I'm happy about something I turn this song up as loud as it goes and lose it. I can't listen to this song and be in a bad mood. I sang it at karaoke once and missed almost every note, but it was the most fun I've had singing a karaoke song.
9. Purple Rain
What can I say? It's so good. I cried a little at the screening when The Kid gives Lisa a peck on the cheek on stage during the song. A thank you for writing the music to save his ass. What's it about? I don't know. Purple Rain is what it's about. I'm not big on the deep meaning of a song. I'm more about the emotions a song brings up in me, and this one does it for me. I can't explain why. "If you know what I'm talking about, come on and raise your hand." My hand is raised, Prince.
I'll share the music with Ozzie as he grows up, but I'll wait until he's a little older than seven to show him the movie. What do you think? He should be at least eight.